Electric Vehicle News Round-up – February 2020

electric vehicle news round-up

Here is another set of interesting news about the electric vehicles that happened in the month of February 2020. We present electric vehicle news roundups for every month on GetElectricVehicle.Com

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Electric Vehicle News Round-up – February 2020

The three important EV related news collected from various sources are presented here for you.

#1 Sony’s Vision-S prepares for a test drive during FY2020

Sony, who is not a car manufacturer, unveiled the prototype of an electric car in January 2020. The first Vision S vehicle was showcased at the Sony booth at the CES 2020 in Las Vegas.

The prototype aimed to deliver Sony’s own technology, full entertainment experience with 360 Reality Audio in the speakers built into each seat, and intuitively operated panoramic screens.

The VISION-S Prototype also comes with AI, 5G, and cloud technologies with the aim of continuously updating and evolving the car’s functionalities.

Developing cutting-edge technologies for secure driving and creating in-car entertainment, Sony will contribute to the evolution of mobility.

After CES 2020, the prototype model was transported from Las Vegas to the development center in Graz, Austria. It’s the place where joint development efforts are underway together with partner companies such as Magna Steyr.

They aim to prepare the prototype for test drives on public roads during FY2020. [Reference]

#2 Tesla ‘Roadrunner’ Batteries Target Extended Range, Reduced Price

Tesla’s secret Roadrunner battery project promises cheap and energy-dense batteries that will extend vehicle range, reduce car prices and possibly jolt Tesla to new highs, InsideEVs reports. [Reference]

There’s talk that a vehicle equipped with these batteries may even be revealed at Tesla’s Battery Day event this April.

Tesla has been actively working on improving battery technologies for a while.

The latest intel on Tesla’s improved battery technology suggests that the targets are reduced costs (that magical $100 per kWh figure is possibly within Tesla’s grasp) and improved energy density. 

How would it be beneficial to Tesla?

  • Tesla can lower the prices of vehicles
  • Tesla can increase the profit margin
  • Fewer cells can achieve the same range
  • Tesla can improve the range of vehicles

#3 Electrify America to deploy 30 off-grid, solar EV chargers in rural California communities

Solar charging for electric vehicles is an interesting concept that effectively utilizes the abundant renewable source of energy – the Sun – for charging the battery of electric cars.

Electrify America, the Volkswagen subsidiary, had announced that it’s investing $2 million in solar-powered EV charging stations in rural California.

The investment in charging stations that are not tied to the electrical grid will expand access to EV charging opportunities for drivers in rural areas.

Volkswagen’s settlement over its diesel emissions scandal earmarked $2 billion to be invested by Electrify America.

California received $800 million from that pool, requiring 35% of the funds to be spent on low-income and disadvantaged communities. [Reference]


The news roundup for the month of February 2020 is presented here. The developments in the field of EVs would help to minimize environmental pollution to an extend.

  • Sony’s Vision-S prepares for a test drive during FY2020
  • Tesla ‘Roadrunner’ Batteries Target Extended Range, Reduced Price
  • Electrify America to deploy 30 off-grid, solar EV chargers in rural California communities

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