Here is a collection of the project ideas related to the electric vehicle. We have published a video “Top 75 electric vehicle related project ideas” on our YouTube channel “Get Electric Vehicle”. Now, here is a collection of the comments and responses to those comments in that video. Some of those comments are reframed to make them more readable.
These lists would be useful for Ph.D., MTech, and BTech Students in different branches such as Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automobile Engineering, etc.
#1 Can you suggest to me topics related to switched reluctance motors?
Electric vehicles now use started using switched reluctance motors for propulsion (Even though they are not that common). To have detailed research, you may develop controllers for SRM and compare the results with induction motors. (Efficiency, range, energy consumption, etc.)
#2 Hello sir, the video was very useful…I am planning to do an MTech project on the EV …as hardware will be the most difficult part… I’m getting confused about the topics… Would you please suggest some topics that would match the MTech level without hardware… thank you
Thank you so much for your feedback.
You may do software simulation projects related to electric vehicles.
Eg. Develop a complete electric vehicle simulation model in MATLAB. Find optimal switching strategy for EV. Find out the most critical factor (mass, aerodynamic drag, frontal area, etc.) that causes more energy consumption.
#3 Hi Sir, I am in MTech 3rd semester, and want to do my thesis work on V2G enabled EV(interest area). Can you please guide me from where should I start and what specific topic can be chosen?
Vehicle to Grid is a really interesting area to do projects. The idea here is that you can connect your EV to the power grid and flow power from your EV to the Grid.
An electric car acts as a load or micro-generating station for the grid.
There are two possibilities for your thesis.
1. Advantages of V2G in grid perspective
2. Advantages of V2G in driver’s perspective
The latter mainly focus on the economic advantages such as reduced electricity charges and incentives.
I recommend you to focus on the peak load shaving and other advantages of the V2G technologies from a utility perspective.
Eg. Simulation of the vehicle to a grid-connected system at a private charging station and finding how to flatten the load curve.
Impacts of Vehicle to Grid on power quality (DC – AC conversion and power injection happens)
You may start as follows.
* Read the latest research papers on V2G
* Select the topic that you can do a research
#4 I want to do an EV project in terms of environment engineering purposes… Related to environment-saving… Pls suggest topics and ideas
Here are a few ideas
1. Environmental impact of EV on its whole life (from the production to the disposal of batteries etc.) You may analyze how far it is better than an IC engine vehicle. Battery manufacturing etc. pollutes the environment.
2. Solar charging stations and Conventional charging stations (electricity from coal) comparison.
3. Carbon footprint from EV and IC engine vehicles
4. Quantitative analysis of pollution in a city if we replace all the vehicles with EV
#5 Thanks a lot… Can you suggest sites from where I can collect data for ideas given by u??
Thank you. I don’t have any website suggestions for you. For calculations and formulae, you may refer NPTEL course, then you may get some information from IEEE I guess..😊
#6 I am an MTech student in EV, currently working as an intern in an EV company. I need to do a project at the MTech level so please suggest me good topic with which I could go up in my career also.
Did you get any topic from the company where you do an internship? Usually, we will get an opportunity to do a project related to the work in the company during the internship.
Is your project completely independent of the internship activities?
Then here is a list of project topics
You may go through the comment section of this video to get some more project ideas
#7 I want to do research in management. Can you suggest some topics in electric vehicles related to management Ph.D., please?
I’m not that into the management field. I hope the following topics might help you
* Smart charging for EVs for peak load shaving – Economics of the power utility
* Impact of infrastructure (charging station) development in the mass adoption of EVs
* EV Economical impacts if batteries are owned by a company – Battery swapping
#8 I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Electrical engineering. And my project topic is matrix converter bidirectional contactless charger for EV. Will you pls provide any suggestions?
Thank you. The topic is great. Wireless charging for electric vehicles is being developed by many companies.
Wish you all the best
#9 Hi, I am a mechanical engineering background student currently pursuing MTech from IIT Delhi can u suggest to me some project-related ideas?
Here are a few ideas for you
* Vibration analysis of electric motors for electric vehicles
* Multispeed gearboxes for electric vehicles and feasibility analysis
* Two-speed gearbox for quick acceleration of electric vehicles (Eg. Porsche Taycan)
#10 Hello sir, I am a Mtech student in Electrical Machines and Drives. I want to do a thesis on hybrid electric vehicles from a power electronics or drives point of view. Can you please suggest to me the topics and also how can I start with the simulation because I am not much familiar with simulation.
Here are a few topics for you.
1. Control strategy development for HEV for minimization of energy consumption
2. Comparison of P1, P2, P3, P4 configuration of HEV using simulation studies
3. Effect of regenerative braking on HEV battery
4. Impact of hybridization on emissions
To perform the above-mentioned simulations, first of all, we have to develop a hybrid electric vehicle model.
It’s a bit more complicated than battery electric modeling. But if you use the models available in MATLAB, then the study would be a bit easier.
Otherwise, you can use the free MATLAB-based GUI “Advisor” for vehicle simulation studies. I highly recommend you to check out the ADVISOR tool for your analysis.
It can be downloaded from SourceForge
#11 Sir, I want to make a project on HEV using MATLAB for my major project. Please suggest some ideas
I think HEV models are available in MATLAB. But for your academic project, you may develop a vehicle model in MATLAB yourself.
– Torque split strategy for HEV that minimizes total energy loss
– Regenerative braking system for HEV
– Sensitivity analysis of the critical vehicle design parameters (Frontal area, mass, rolling resistance, etc. ) on the range of the vehicle
#12 Hello sir! I m a BTech final year student, please guide me in the EV project “Analysis and design of advance control algorithm for grid-tied EV charging ” especially the main focus on the bidirectional converter
Grid integration at home and grid integration at private charging stations can be good projects.
-The algorithm should take care of the energy cost.
-It shall communicate with the Car/a mobile app to identify the charging rate set by the driver.
-if it is at home and the energy tariff is a ‘time of use’ tariff then the objective shall be to minimize the energy cost
#13 hello sir, I am a Ph.D. student. I want to know about battery performance analysis in electrical vehicle
Electric vehicle simulation software provides you with the state of charge of a battery during a drive ( backward/forward-facing model simulation).
It depends on the selected drive cycle, vehicle parameters, etc.
What details would you like to know?
#14 Any topic for automobile engineer in EV… And where I will get the information regarding it…
We have a collection of topics for Electrical Engineers. Most of them are here in the comments themselves.
I hope they would be helpful for the automotive engineer as well
#15 Heyy I’m a B.E. Automobile last year student I need a project on design improvement of electric car chassis, can you help me?
Thanks for the comment. I don’t know much about the mechanical design parts of the chassis. When I went through some research articles, it showed that we could do finite analysis methods for the design improvements for Electric Vehicle chassis.
Kindly read articles on researchgate or IEEE.
Thank you
#16 Hi sir can you please suggest power electronics project topics in electric vehicles without simulation?
I don’t know how do we proceed without a simulation in the MTech project.
Even though we do hardware projects, the first level of validation is through the simulation model.
Anyway, you may try to implement some control techniques for power electronics converter for EV control.
Eg. SVPWM etc.
#17 Hi sir
Can you tell me the best possible research area(part) in Electric vehicles i.e.,
1. Motor side
2. Power Electronic converters
3. Energy management by incorporating the above two ideas.
Hello… Different types of motors have different efficiencies and performance characteristics. You may checkout the IEEE papers explaining how to improve the efficiency of motors.
Here is a video of how Tesla improved the vehicle range https://youtu.be/HgwaWfWjzvs
#18 Hello Sir, all the videos are quite helpful, especially the latest video. I am currently in Sem 3 of MTech Electrical Power System specialization and want to take up EV as a major project performing the simulation. Kindly suggest a few EV project topics that can be chosen.
Thank you for your comment.
I would like to suggest to you a few topics in Power systems.
Have you already watched the video https://youtu.be/sz95bF7mp3E ?
Vehicle to Grid simulation would be one of the best topics for Power Systems Masters.
Peak load shaving, strategy to reduce the electricity cost, etc. are a few topics.
If you would like to focus on charging stations, then the following would be a list of projects.
* Stability analysis of power utility grid-connected with a cluster of charging stations
* V2G at private charging stations
* Thermal management at charging stations
* Renewable sources connected charging station (solar)
#19 I want to do an MTech project on EVs related to Power Electronics, I am interested in Regenerative Braking but not sure if it is related to Power Electronics. Can you suggest some topics combining both please, or any other topic if they are not related?
Regenerative braking can be combined with Power Electronics as well.
The bidirectional controller is required to enable regenerative braking for an electric vehicle. The development of a bidirectional charger can be a project.
The interesting topics for research can be as follows
* Development of an algorithm for a smooth driving experience with regenerative braking (hardware + simulation)
* One pedal driving for electric vehicles
* Simulation studies of the effectiveness of regenerative braking for small electric vehicles
#20 Sir kindly give me some ideas in wireless charging of batteries for e vehicle
Kindly watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNQHZ3oXDVU
#21 I want to do a Ph.D. in electric vehicles. Can you suggest to me topics related to machines, power systems, and control systems
Vehicle to Grid and Vehicle to Home are the two best topics for Power systems-related research (Peak load shaving, Reduce the current bill using TOU tariffs).
Harmonics reduction while using charging stations can also be a research topic.
Related to machines, we can have a comparative study of different machines for electric vehicles (reluctance motor, Induction, PMSM, etc) and propose the best one for different applications (passenger cars, scooters, commercial vehicles, etc.)
#22 Hello sir… I am a final-year BE student. I am interested in EV projects… Can you explain All wheels drive electric cars VCU development?
All-wheel drive vehicles are mainly of two types.
1. Hub motors on each wheel
2. Two axles – two motors – one for front wheels and one for rear wheels
The VCU may be developed to split the torque demand equally or in such a way that to operate the motors at their maximum efficiency.
There can be options to drive all-wheel/front wheel/ rear wheel alone as well.
#23 Hello Sir… Thanks for sharing this content… I am an M. Tech student my project is: High efficiency bridgeless single power conversion battery charger for light electric vehicles which is based on transaction paper .. kindly provide me guidance in this topic
Hi, it’s nice. What improvements would you like to propose to your model apart from the one in the transaction?
#24 hello, sir I m doing a Ph.D. I want to research Electric vehicles. please suggest an effective topic for my research…
Please read the comments of this video and you can find a lot of topics. In addition to this, the following page has some more research topics
#25 Can you please suggest to me a project on EV in which artificial intelligence is used
The vehicle motor efficiency depends on the speed, torque, temperature, etc. A motor provides maximum efficiency when it operates at some particular operation points. A vehicle that is being used in cities most of the time will have different speed vs time characteristics than that of one driving through highways.
The control strategy of the vehicle can be adjusted based on the data collected from the vehicle. Machine learning/AI can be used to find the best strategy. On-air updates can also be used for best strategy selection based on the collected data.
#26 Hi sir am interested to do MTech project on Ev vehicles please suggest me hardware topic
– Charger design
– Vehicle controller for Induction motor drive
– Vehicle Controller for reluctance motor drive
– Bidirectional charger for V2G application (controller logic can also be developed)
More: https://getelectricvehicle.com/list-of-electric-vehicle-projects/
#27 Charging station
– Level 2 charging station hardware setup
– Bidirectional charging station simulation and hardware setup
– Cooling system design and setup for fast charging station
#28 Hello sir I’m a mechanical engineering student I want to do a project related to EV but from the mechanical point of view. Please help me with the selection of the topic! Thank you
Here are some topics. I’m not sure if it would be helpful.
* Vibration analysis of electric vehicle motors
* Energy analysis of battery electric vehicles
* Hybrid Electric Vehicles and optimal power splitting strategy for fuel economy improvement
#29 Hello sir, this video made me understand very much clear thanks 😊 a lot… I need some help… My project is about e EV charging station designing using the web application (coding)… Can I get some ideas about it, sir?
Would you like to design charging stations managing web applications?
Or do you like to design charging stations using circuit design software?
#30 Bidirectional converter for electric vehicle grid integration
1. Design and Development of Bidirectional charger
2. Smart selection of charging pattern. Eg. If you connect EV to the grid and you need it fully charged by next-day morning, the smart charger should decide when to flow current to the battery and when to flow from the battery to the grid.
During peak hours it should flow the current to the grid
3. Algorithm for bidirectional charging station network (it would be a great power systems project)
#31 Sir, reliability improvement of EV related projects?
Could you tell me what kind of reliability did you mean?
If it is related to the battery capacity, then the optimal route selection can be a good project. The vehicle has to find the best route to the destination if you provide the details so that the charging stations are available at convenient places. But I don’t think it would be a technically challenging project.
#32 Sir can you please help me with how to start which sources to look at, from where I have to find sources, what’s needs to be done, etc. Sir papers are lacking, I can’t find any free paper. Sir if you provide any links to papers it will be a great help
The theories can be learned from NPTEL courses. The detailed vehicle modeling would be available in some IEEE papers. EV-related books would also be helpful.
If you are planning to use ADVISOR tool in MATLAB then the help documents of the software would also be helpful.
This is the link to a free course
Papers might not be available for free. You have to use your university login to access all the technical papers
#33 How to get value for different components output like motor, batteries?
The vehicle simulation model in ADVISOR, GT Suite, etc would help you to get the exact outputs from those components. You may try the Matlab GUI Advisor
#34 I completed my Mtech in power electronics and drives. I have decided to do a Ph.D. in EV, can u suggest an idea or best topics in EV like which area to take charging or converters or battery management.
Both areas have a lot of research opportunities. The study of different control techniques for electric vehicles, switching of modulation techniques based on the efficiency of operations, etc. are a few topics related to the EV controller.
The battery of EVs are important and the projects such as BMS for EVs, the development of high energy density battery, etc. could be another set of ideas. We have a detailed post about EV-related project ideas. Please read
I hope this list will help you out to choose a topic
#35 Greetings which language can I use to code a prototype for a fast-charging station. I’m looking for something I can do online and not build physically. I’m doing 1st year of Electrical and electronic engineering
I’m convenient with Matlab software. Kindly use the language that suits you and easy to code your logic
#36 Sir, I decided to do a Ph.D. research in the area of EV, I choose the topic “Performance analysis of various driving cycles in Electric Vehicle”. could you guide me to do this in Advisor?
The simulation in Advisor is not that hard. The standard driving and vehicle models are available in the software.
How can I help you?
#37 Hii sir I have an idea for a project. I recently heard about storedot company who have made fastest charging battery. So my idea is to make such a fast-charging battery but I need software with which I can change the contents of the battery like anode, Na instead of Li-ion. So do you know any software which help me with this research??
That would be great. Unfortunately, I don’t know any software that would help you.
#38 I have a complete running model of an electric vehicle in Simulink but I want to convert it into a Research project. Can you suggest anything?
If you have a working model of an electric vehicle, you can perform a lot of analysis.
The energy consumption of the vehicle for different drive cycles, the impact of various driving cycles on the vehicle components, sensitivity analysis for different vehicle design parameters, etc.
The modeling itself will be tedious activity if each component has to be modeled accurately.
#39 Sir, I am an MTech student in product design and development (mechanical) in NIT Allahabad My instructor told me to do a thesis on battery management systems but I am zero in software kindly please me to find the topics.
I think you can use MATLAB software to develop the battery and BMS models.
Do you have any other software in your mind?
MATLAB training and tutorials are available on the internet. Eg. MATLAB onramp, Simulink Onramp, etc,
Kindly go through them. Wish you all the best!
#40 Hello, I’m studying data analysis and we have to choose a project for research methodology. So I’m planning to do a project based on electric cars but my project should involve data analysis in it. So what topic should I choose?
Hi… You can collect speed vs time data from the vehicles in a city. Finally, the control strategy for electric vehicles can be determined based on the pattern of driving.
For example, the vehicles in a metropolitan city might have a common driving characteristic (max speed, acceleration, stops, etc.) and highway driving vehicles follow another pattern.
On-air updates can be provided to the vehicle control software to optimize the vehicle energy consumption based on the common driving patterns.
#41 Hii… I’m from Mechanical… I’m interested in EV charging
1. Bidirectional charger design
2. V2G and Peak Load shaving (simulation)
3. Economical analysis of V2G with Time of Use Tariff
4. Vehicle to Vehicle charging systems
5. PHEV & BEV comparison (economics)
Even though these projects are related to electrical engineering, I think you can use them for mechanical as well.
#42 Thanks for the wonderful ideas given. I want to do an MTech project on Regenerative braking. Request if you can suggest a problem statement and a video on regenerative braking.
Here is an old video about Regenerative braking: https://youtu.be/0EngQo1PFm0
It would be difficult to create a problem statement right now. We have a lot of project ideas here. I hope you can make one from these ideas.
#44 Hello sir, I have done with my MTech in Electrical Power systems and now wish to do a Ph.D. abroad. My area of interest is electrical Vehicle Motor Design and control. Can you please suggest to me a country for the same? so that I will get job opportunities in the same country after the completion of my Ph.D. work.
Germany and other European countries.
There are a lot of electric vehicle manufacturers in Germany and other European countries. If you get an opportunity to do a Ph.D. in Germany there are chances to get a job there.
Kindly check out the details of other countries as well.
please suggest some ideas from where can find funding agencies for research projects related to automobiles and EVs
would be highly obliged.
I have no idea about the funding agencies. Are you associated with any organization? I think the government itself funds the companies for electric vehicle research.
#45 Can I get an idea about “Optimization of power consumption using accelerometer sensor ADXL345 with Relay, Motor, and Dynamo for EV”?
Real-time energy optimization algorithm development can be a project idea. But I don’t know how to do this!
#46 I want some research topics for my internship research project please suggest me. I am 6th semester BTech student.
Hello, Kindly go through the comments section of this video. You can find a lot of project ideas.
If you are doing internship research one of the best options is to do a project on the energy or sensitivity analysis of electric vehicle parameters.
Here you have to develop a complete vehicle model in any of the simulation software.
Another option is to use the MATLAB GUI Advisor for vehicle simulations.
#47 Any ideas on battery storage
You may try projects on
1. BMS for Li-Ion battery
2. SoH modeling for Li-ion battery
3. Complete battery model in MATLAB for EV simulation
4. Advanced battery modeling that includes the effect of temperature, internal resistance, etc.
5. Thermal management system for EV battery for Fast Charging
#48 Any ideas on closed-loop EV modeling in MATLAB or any other simulation project ideas.
Yes. I think some models are available in MATLAB help themselves.
You can model a vehicle in MATLAB. All the necessary equations and details are available in NPTEL courses.
Once you model the EV, then you can do a variety of Electric Vehicle simulation studies.
– Sensitivity analysis of vehicle design parameters such as mass, coefficient of aerodynamic drag, frontal area, etc.
– Accurate Battery model for SoH estimation
– Powertrain dimensioning for minimal power losses
– Regenerative braking simulation studies for different driving cycles
#49 Hello sir. How about the proper sizing of the electric motor battery and battery management system?
BMS for EVs would be a good project. But there are many BMS ICs already available. You can suggest something innovative inside the BMS.
A BMS with low cost, high efficiency, etc.
For research, I recommend fast charging for EVs. It’s necessary to keep the battery temperature at a particular value to fast charge the battery.
A hot or cold battery can’t be fast-charged.
As you said, the battery sizing for EVs can be a nice project. You may include the economics of the battery selection as well.
Some other topics are…
Comparison of air and water cooling system for EV battery (technology, cost, efficiency, etc.)
One more topic
– Battery model for EV in MATLAB for SoH estimation
#50 Hi sir, I am a Mtech student, can u give me an idea to do a mini project on EV
Would you like to extend the min project to the main project later on?
Otherwise following are a few topics – hardware setup is necessary
1. Controller for Induction motor /PMSM motor/ brushes DC motor/ reluctance motor for EV ( it should have regenerative braking capability)
2. Ultracapacitor battery combination for EV regenerative braking
3. Simple BMS for Li-ion battery
To develop a major research project, the 1st and 3rd topics have great potential.
#51 Inductive power transfer topology for electric vehicles battery charging system
You can find a lot of wireless charging-related projects in IEEE. But I’m not sure about the practicality of the project.
Kindly watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNQHZ3oXDVU
#52 Hi sir, I am looking forward to working on a bidirectional DC-DC converter. Could you please suggest some topology to work on?
* A bidirectional buck-boost converter
* Two quadrant/four-quadrant buck-boost converter
#53 Can you help me with the topic related to EVs and also can be used as Masters’s Thesis for MS Mechatronics. (MATLAB Oriented)
* Power train design and optimization (simulation of vehicle model in MATLAB)
* Development of Inverter for EV (Detailed modeling and simulation) – Study the impact of different topologies – PWM, SVPWM, etc.
* If you are interested in Power Systems as well, then you may think about Bidirectional charger ( Simulation and modeling)
* Harmonic reduction in the on-board charger (Comparison of topologies, harmonic reduction techniques, etc.)
#54 Regenerative Braking in Electric Vehicle… Please suggest some ideas other than just making the regenerative braking
If you would like to do detailed research, here are a few ideas
* Impact of regenerative braking on the life of the battery
* Regenerative braking to bring the vehicle to a standstill
* Single pedal driving for Electric Scooter (possibility)
* Impact of vehicle mass on regenerative braking
#55 Thanks for the video. Could you plz help to provide some idea about using EV as a backup power source? Thanks a lot!
The typical energy consumption of a household would an around 3kWh/day. An electric car with a battery capacity of 30kWh could power a home for 10 days (ideally)!!!!
The car could act as a backup power source for a home.
There should be a bidirectional charger for this and the controller should help to send power from the car to the home.
A miniature demo version can be developed
#56 Could you plz suggest… What should I do for my mini project on Electrical Vehicle?
Inverter for EV can be a good mini-project. Since it’s not a detailed research project, you may focus on simple design
#57 Hello sir, I am an Automobile Engineering final year student I have to do a major project Please guide me to do a research-based project, not physical model related with Engine Emissions control or Electric Vehicle
Hi, You may try emission-related analysis for IC engine vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles. The easiest method is to use ADVISOR software for the simulation.
#58 Hello sir, can you help with some ideas related to the onboard charging of electric vehicles and increasing efficiency and the life of the battery system?
The onboard charging system in EVs is an AC-DC converter. The size and weight of the converter do matter in EV since it directly affects the performance of the vehicle.
You may try to develop a compact onboard charger for EVs.
To increase the efficiency and life of the battery, the BMS used should be intelligent enough to protect the battery.
The charge-discharge cycles, temperature, etc. affect the life of the battery. You may try something related to the BMS design as well.
If you would like to extend the research further, then consider the battery chemistries also. Some researches focus on battery chemistry to improve the specific power and energy of the battery.
#59 I would like to work on EV charging stations and battery chargers
Please read the following:
Hello sir… I’m interested in Doing ph.D in wireless power transfer of electric vehicles … Suggest me some techniques
I hope this video helps you out
#60 Interested in doing a project on the power system and EV. Can you help?
I could help you to find topics for the project
1. Vehicle to Grid to reduce the electricity cost/ peak load shaving
2. Grid integration of fast charging stations and effect on a local grid
3. Solar-powered charging station for EV – Feasibility study
#61 I am an MTech graduate done a project on “analysis of powertrain performance of an electric vehicle by using AVL cruise software” and going to do a Ph.D. so suggest me a project idea on electric vehicle background.
Sizing of power train components (ratings) based on the possible drive patterns of vehicle, torque requirements, acceleration requirements, energy consumption optimization, etc. can be done.
#62 Sir can u please tell me a research topic on plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and the objective of this research
For hybrid electric vehicles, an optimal torque split strategy would be a good project.
Usually, the operating points of Hybrid Electric Vehicles at different speeds are selected based on minimal emergency consumption/emission.
The efficiency map of the electric machine changes as it ages and the model used for power optimization uses the initial values. You may try a different approach for power-split considering the aging of the machine.
Other options are related to the vehicle to Grid.
The smart selection of IC engine/charging station considering the energy and fuel price
#63 hello sir, I am a 4th-year student of the BTech mechanical department and want to do a mini & main project on the electric vehicle. Can you help?
For a mechanical graduate student, I think hardware might be required.
I’m more into electrical engineering.
I hope the following list helps you
1. Build a hybrid electric bicycle (pedal and electric motor powered)
2. Electric scooter conversion
3. Energy analysis for an electric scooter (made by you) – comparison of simulation results and actual values
You may use ADVISOR tool or MATLAB
#64 Sir, I am a Mtech graduate in Industrial drives and Control and I am interested in doing a Ph.D. in electric vehicles combined with solar energy. Can you please suggest to me which is the trending topic in the electric vehicle?
The trending topics are
1. Connected vehicles
2. Vehicle to Grid
3. Battery related research
Related to solar,
1. Solar charging stations – the impact of grid integration
2. Smart charging – (highly recommend for power systems research)
I hope this helps you to search for more topics and find the best one.
#65 Sir, I’m an MTech 3rd semester student, I want to do a minor project and thesis on solar-powered electric vehicle charging stations can u please tell me an area of research and project on this topic in both case software or hardware?
A grid integrated solar charging station would be a nice topic. If solar power is available the charge EV from the (panels + grid) otherwise charge from the (grid).
#66 I am a BTech student in electrical engineering and would like to do a project on electric vehicles, charging stations, etc.
I think hardware projects will be suitable for you.
1. Electric vehicle conversion – convert a scooter to all Electric and do a detailed energy analysis
2. Develop a smart charging station for Electric Vehicles that communicates with adjacent charging stations and limit the power flow based on the total demand d on the power utility grid
#67 Hello, I am so keen to start a Ph.D. research on: “Analysis to find best DC-DC converter for electrical vehicles”. can you please guide me with some objectives?
Are you going to use the DC-DC converter to drive the vehicle with a DC motor? Or are you going to convert high voltage to low voltage to charge an auxiliary battery?
I assume the converter drives the car.
You may consider finding the best strategy for the DC-DC converter to minimize the switching losses.
#68 Electric Vehicle Controller (ECU)
Here are a few ideas
1. Low-cost Electric Vehicle Controller for electric scooter
2. Energy optimized controller for electric vehicle (scooter and rickshaws)
3. Comparison of different modulation techniques for EV controller with 3 phase induction motor
4. Switching loss minimization for ECU (Research)
5. Impact of overcurrent (acceleration) on ECUs
#69 Hello sir, I am last year’s B.Tech student. I have to give a project in the college. What will be the best project on Electric vehicles?
I think you can’t go for an EV research project. You might require a hardware setup for your project.
You may try to convert a scooter to all Electric and do a detailed energy analysis
#70 Thank you so much sir for this video, it gives me the direction. I am a second-year Mtech student studying in Power System, I want to do my major project on the EV domain in the software region. Instead of all these things, I am really bad at Matlab and other such software so I request you to suggest me such topic which is somehow easy in Mi-power / Matlab (for a beginner just like me) plus which strictly belongs to Mtech Power-System’s level.
My area of interest are:
Charging stations + v2g + impact of EV Charging on power grid
V2G related projects are comparatively easy to simulate in MATLAB.
Peak power shaving is a nice topic. I suggest you go through IEEE Xplore related to this topic. You will get a lot of ideas related to V2G
#71 Hello there, thank you for this amazing video. Could please help with the thesis topic which would be related to Electric vehicles? It should be a mixture of technical and management aspects as I am pursuing a Masters in Business Administration and Engineering in Automotive Management.
Economics of charging stations,
Impact of EVs on power utility,
Vehicle to Grid and customer advantages etc…
#72 Hello sir, I want to make charging stations better for 2 & 4 wheelers… Can you help me?!
You may check out the possibilities to develop DC fast-charging stations for 2 wheelers.
#73 Hello sir, I’m in 3rd Semester of M. Tech. I have to start my major project using only simulation… Can u help me, please?
Please do watch the video. (Tips to start EV research): https://youtu.be/sz95bF7mp3E
If you have more questions feel free to contact me.
#74 Hello sir can u suggest to me some ideas for smart charging solutions for hybrid electric vehicles?
A smart charging solution should be intelligent enough to select the time to charge the battery, the rate at which it charges, etc.
You may try to develop
1. Smart charging for V2G to minimize electricity cost
2. Smart charging stations that minimize the burden on the power grid
3. Fast/smart charging station: Detailed study on a power grid
4. V2H technology using a smart bidirectional charger
5. Hardware model of a smart charging station for EV
#75 Thank you for the video, please get me some ideas on hybrid EV technology
1. Development of torque split strategy for parallel HEV
2. Energy-efficient control strategy for PHEV
3. Detailed comparison of Mild HEV and Full HEV – Simulation model
4. Carbon emission reduction analysis for HEV and Gasoline cars
#76 Hi sir, I am a 3rd semester MTech student… now, I am going to start my major project… Our project rule is, phase 1 is done in the 3rd semester and continued to phase 2 is done in the 4th semester… Ie, project done in the third semester should extend to 4th semester.
Can you explain the electric vehicle charging/charging station-related project ideas for doing projects in the 3rd and 4th semesters…
The following are a few Electric Vehicle charging station related projects
1. Development of a bidirectional charger that could enable V2G
2. Detailed study of the V2G at private charging stations
3. Harmonic distortion from EV charging stations
4. DC-DC converter for Vehicle to Vehicle charging
5. Comparative study of AC and DC chargers for EVs
#77 MTech project related to the improvement of Range of EV
You may try to research how to make the EV operate always at the most efficient operating points of the electrical machine
#78 Electric vehicle charging station project
1. Smart Charging Stations for EV parking fleet
2. Cooling system for DC fast charging station
3. Intelligent EV charging station to reduce electricity cost (ToU tariff)
4. Compact charging station for electric scooters
5. Power quality improvement for charging station connected power grid
6. Bidirectional EV charger for V2G
These projects might be developed as research projects as well.
#79 Hello, present I am a 3rd-year ECE student and I need to do one project on Electric Vehicles, Hybrid Electric, Hydrogen fuel cells for automotive,
Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles(project in any one topic ) can u help me, sir?
Hello, Kindly read: https://getelectricvehicle.com/list-of-electric-vehicle-projects/
I hope you will get some ideas
#80 Hello, I’m looking to do an MSc (mechanical engineering) thesis on renewable energy, EV vehicles, or anything relating to the sustainability of the future. Could you give me a few ideas? Theory-based only. I’m running out of time and I can’t go do anything right now.
Here are a few topics that would help you out. But all these topics are simulation studies and you might have to do the simulation in MATLAB.
1. Vehicle to Grid technology and Microgrid integration challenges
2. Smart grid and impact of EV charging stations
3. Connected vehicles and optimal selection of charging stations for grid stability
4. Level 2 solar charging stations and the economic impacts
5. EV simulation studies for
– Battery Management System
– Energy optimization
#81 I am an ECE final year student please can you suggest a project on EVs to do online
I hope you watched these videos
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz95bF7mp3E
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p_6_U6rQ94
Read: https://getelectricvehicle.com/list-of-electric-vehicle-projects/
I assume you are doing your bachelor’s. So, a few projects that you can do are listed below
1. Wireless instrumentation cluster to display the battery and other vehicle parameters.
2. Simple Controller for Electric two-wheeler (DC, PMSM, or Induction)
3. Battery Management System for electric vehicle battery
4. Thermal protection circuit for EV battery – integrated into BMS
if you would like to do simulation projects, then please check out the topics that we discussed in the comments section and the article that I shared at the top.
Wish you all the best!
#82 I want topics for EV charger development for Ph.D. work
1. Are you interested in developing a fast charger for an electric vehicle?
The fast charting could be possible only when the battery temperature is in a particular range.
It is highly necessary to have a thermal management system in the vehicle and a charger for fast charging.
You may think about this.
2. Level 2 bidirectional chargers for V2G connectivity
Here you can analyze the economical advantages as well.
#83 My objectives are these
Investigation of state of art technology for EV charger
• AC/DC versatile charger
• To investigate Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) charging technology for EV
• To investigate Portable Power Pack-to-Vehicle and EV towing charging technology.
• To design Prototype of EV charger with features as follows:
• To identify ac and dc supply and its magnitude
State of charge indicator
• Charging the battery
Can these be possible or not?
It is possible, I think.
First of all, we have to check out the feasibility of this project.
As of now, DC charging is mainly used for fast charging and an onboard charger is necessary for AC charging.
If DC is readily available the onboard charger can be bypassed.
Otherwise, you may develop a topology yourself for both AC and DC charging.
The availability of AC/DC supply only can’t be determining factor for the selection of charging method. If the battery temperature is too low or too high we have to go for slow charging.
Otherwise, we have to bring the battery temperature to a reasonable level for charging.
A common plug for AC/DC system could be a little tricky. We may have to adapt the CCS for EVs.
The cost of the charger would be a concern. Communication between the charger and vehicle (CAN) is also to be considered. Kindly consider all these factors before starting the project.
I think this can be a nice Ph.D. thesis.
Wish you all the best.
#84 Sir kindly suggest some ideas regarding bidirectional dc-dc converter application in the electric vehicle. Where do you have to use the bidirectional DC-DC converter in EV?
DC-DC converter usually converts the high voltage battery to 12v to charge the battery for auxiliary services such as light, window motors, etc.
#85 BE Electrical interested in fast charging ideas and projects
The fast charging technique involves many factors.
-The battery cooling should be proper since it receives huge power in a short period.
– Battery chemistry
-The circuit should be capable of handling the high power demand.
The charging station should be properly isolated.
– BMS design
BMS for EVs that have fast charging capabilities would be a good project.
#86 Hi, I am a B.E. student, I am interested in a project related to the powertrain of an electric vehicle, can you help me?
Energy loss at each component of the power train of an electric bicycle can be a good project. It would be more or less a research project. Please think about how can you convert it into an academic project for you.
#87 Hi sir I’m a grade 12 automotive student, can you please give me a topic that is related to automotive
I hope the energy analysis of power train components will be a good project. You shall use an electric motorcycle and simulation model to compare the actual and simulated results and can get some meaningful conclusions
#88 hello sir, I am in 3rd sem MTech in machine design what project I can do as a mechanical engineer based on EV vehicle
Would design and analysis of electric motor be your area of interest?
I’m not quite sure about the topics a mechanical engineer could do.
#89 Sir can you give me some project ideas for regenerative braking in 2 wheeler
Sure. If you are doing an academic research project, the detailed analysis of the advantages of regenerative braking in two-wheelers has to be performed using simulation software first.
I’m not sure how effective the regenerative braking in Electric Scooters would be.
If you are directly going for an electric scooter conversion and don’t want to analyze the performance using simulation software (such as MATLAB) then you may get information about the effectiveness of regenerative braking from the conversion kit manufacturers.
I hope the list of comments and responses helps you choose a topic for your academic project related to electric vehicles. I will publish another post once the comment section of the video gets populated with fresh questions and answers. Thanks a lot for reading this long post.
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