Artificial intelligence (AI) is expanding its fields of applications at a very quick pace. Now almost all industries depend on AI to a certain extent.
AI enables companies to increase operational efficiency, acquire insights into customer behaviour, measure key performance indicators (KPIs), and harness the power of big data.
Also, the market for electric vehicles (EVs) has grown in recent years. Cars like Tesla, Chevy Bolt, and Nissan Leaf, are becoming more common on our roads. EVs are gaining popularity among environmentally conscious consumers since they are less harmful to the environment than traditional ICE-powered vehicles.
How AI Can Increase EV Adoption?
Is it possible for AI to have a role in EV adoption in the United States and other countries?
Let us look at how the EV business could use artificial intelligence to boost sales and build a more sustainable transportation system.
Factors Affecting EV Adoption
Several factors, aside from government funding for infrastructure improvements, will play a role in EV adoption. According to Forbes, five primary factors boosting EV adoption are,
- Emission Regulations
- Technology
- The cost involved in buying and maintaining an EV
- Overcoming myths about the environmental impact of EVs
- A fast-changing EV market with various players (Volkswagen, Tesla, Hyundai, Kia, etc.)
AI may be utilised for a variety of purposes, thus it’s worth investigating how it can be used to drive adoption in the EV industry.
Enhancing EV Batteries
Electric batteries are one element of technology required for EV advancement. Creating an EV battery entails evaluating numerous material combinations, which is a time-consuming procedure.
AI technology can help EV battery makers filter through massive amounts of data far faster than a human researcher. For example, a recent IBM project entailed the development of a battery capable of faster charging without the use of nickel or cobalt. To select the battery’s electrolytes, researchers had to assess a set of 20,000 chemicals. This data would normally take five years to process, but with the help of AI, it only took nine days!!
AI can also help with EV battery testing. AI models may be trained to forecast how each change made to the cell, electrolyte or any other aspects of an EV battery would alter its performance.
Accelerating battery research and development will improve EVs and hence accelerate adoption.
EV Charging Demand Smoothing
A new Canadian initiative may assist in managing EV charging when demand is high. The Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) and the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) recently stated that they will sponsor an AI initiative to improve EV charging management. The initiative is being led by BluWave-ai and Hydro Ottawa, and it is anticipated to improve charging operations during peak energy consumption.
‘EV Everywhere’ is the name of the experimental project. It employs artificial intelligence to offer an online service for drivers and pooled battery storage and charging facilities. The technology will automatically assess user interests and effects, level out demand peaks, and enable people to benefit from lower-cost billing during off-peak hours.
Improving HMIs
Another element pushing EV adoption is driver and passenger safety. The human-machine interface (HMI), which is required for managing and giving signals to many types of automated equipment, including the LED displays seen in many EVs, is a crucial element of an EV and most modern automobiles.
AI-enabled HMI systems provide drivers with access to a voice-enabled smart assistant, extra controls, improved EV monitoring, and infotainment. AI-powered HMI systems will become increasingly common, assisting in adoption.
Improving Safety
Tech companies can provide safer driving experiences by identifying obstacles ahead of time using machine learning algorithms combined with advanced data analysis tools such as those available through Google Cloud Platform (GCP), so drivers don’t have to deal with unexpected crashes when they’re not ready for them!
Improving Customer Experience
While the EV industry is still in its early stages compared to the traditional industries, there is no doubt that it has enormous potential to revolutionise our lives and the way we live. This is especially true when more individuals attempt to create their own mobility choices rather than being constrained by a single mode of transportation.
One of the most intriguing advancements in this industry is the use of IoT (Internet of Things) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) technologies to expedite EV installations and improve customer experience.
For example, companies may utilise EV charging station data to evaluate which stations are more successful in attracting drivers to electric vehicles. This information may then be used to increase client satisfaction in other stations as well.
Another way AI might benefit customers is by reducing needless wait times at charging stations. Imagine if automakers could use real-time traffic data from Google Maps or Apple Maps to determine how long it would take an electric vehicle driver to reach their destination based on current traffic conditions, rather than relying solely on their own estimates, which may be inaccurate because they don’t know what’s coming up next!
These kinds of improvements would make driving an electric vehicle a more pleasant experience for everyone.
How Autonomous Vehicles Can Help Fleet Owners
Companies are turning to autonomous solutions for commercial and strategic imperatives and EVs are the most suited for autonomous vehicles.
Autonomous fleets have the potential to cut the total cost of ownership by 53%. As autonomy improves, vehicles will be able to not only drive themselves better but also forecast the likelihood of problems occurring in the future, allowing fleet operators to examine cars proactively before they go out on their next shift.
Now let us briefly look at other applications of AI in the EV sector.
AI, The Plethora Of Applications
We may anticipate a major growth in the use of IoT( Internet of Things) and AI technologies in the future. Both IoT and AI technologies have several applications in the EV industry.
Here are a few examples:
- Better product design improves the consumer experience.
- Increasing vehicle safety through increasing driver awareness of their surroundings.
- Using automated procedures to increase efficiency and cut expenses.
- Reduced expenses make items and services more affordable.
- Improving resource management to reduce the environmental effect.
- Using machine learning to reduce the number of mistakes in diagnosis and treatment.
- Increasing product creation accuracy through automation and machine learning.
- Increasing operational efficiency through staff optimization.
- Making automobiles more fuel-efficient to reduce carbon impact.
- Enhancing building and infrastructure security by identifying irregularities in their use.
- Enhancing customer service via improved communication.
- Improving customer service by offering an easily available support network.
- Using automated procedures to increase efficiency and cut expenses.
- Improving security by monitoring in real-time.
To summarise, businesses and sectors all across the world are already working on methods to enable EV technology to reach its full potential.
Ultimately, the combination of technologies like IoT and AI offers considerable potential for the adoption of electric vehicles. It has the potential to hasten EV installations while also improving the consumer experience.
AI has several applications, particularly in the EV sector. It will be fascinating to observe how manufacturers and other businesses use AI to boost adoption. If more companies find creative ways to employ AI, it will play a key role in increasing sales. It’s just a matter of time before electric vehicles become the primary means of transportation, but utilizing AI will be key to getting there.