Electric vehicles have become an inevitable part of every walk of modern life. They are not only used for personal commuting, but they are also being used in agriculture, public transportation, last-mile operation and even in firefighting. With Formula-E they are getting into the racing arena as well.
Today we will look at how EVs are saving lives and helping us create a sustainable future without compromising any of the modern-day comforts.
#1. EVs: They Are Everywhere
As we mentioned earlier EVs have a wide range of applications because EVs are much more flexible in case of design and configuration which gasoline vehicles cannot match.
Before moving on further let us understand the types of EVs currently available in the market.
There are three primary categories for electric vehicles
- Battery Electric vehicles: In this type of electric vehicle, the powerhouse is the battery. From the battery, the power is delivered to the control module and electric motors of the vehicle. The main type of battery used is Lithium-ion and when the charge is depleted the batteries can be recharged again.
- Plug-in Hybrid vehicles: In hybrid vehicles, there will be a gasoline or diesel engine powering the vehicle and on top of that there will be one or more electric motors along with a battery to power the vehicle in certain conditions like during starting or cruising below a certain speed.
- Fuel cell powered EVs: Fuel cells generate electricity by dividing electrons from hydrogen molecules. In fuel cell cars we do not have to recharge the battery. Instead, we have to supply hydrogen just like we fill gasoline but the car will be powered by electric motors just like a normal electric car.
Now going back to the topic, these days, electric vehicles are more than simple passenger vehicles. For example, in 2021 residents of California welcomed the United state’s first electric fire truck.
Also, in the years to come, we can expect to see electric sanitation trucks silently cruising through neighbourhoods collecting trash and recyclables, as well as electric postal trucks. Courier companies are already using EVs for their last-mile operations very extensively.
#2. EVS: How They Are Helping Us
In developed countries like the US, transportation is the main cause of climate pollution. To address this issue people should change to more sustainable modes of transportation. It is the need of the hour because to mitigate the worst effects of climate change, we have just ten years in our hands.
Not only do vehicle and truck emissions harm the environment, but they also harm human health. Air pollution from cars running on petrol and diesel contributes to early mortality, cancer, bronchitis and asthma. Localised air pollution has lifetime health implications, manifesting as lung disease, heart issues, and asthma.
According to a Harvard University study, there is a striking association between long-term exposure to harmful fine particulate matter and COVID-19 mortality in the United States. Engines that run on petrol or diesel are one of the main sources of PM2.5 (fine particulate matter pollution).
In a study conducted by Duke University, the environmental and health expenses associated with a gallon of petrol purchased at the petrol station can total up to $3.80. Even worse, each gallon of diesel used in large rigs and agricultural equipment comes with an extra $4.80 in societal costs to our health and the environment.
#3. EVs: Dispelling The Biggest EV Pollution Myth
We often hear people saying that EVs are not capable of reducing pollution as they use power from the grid. The reason they say is, that the grids draw electricity from a variety of sources including clean renewable energy and fossil fuels, providing the electricity needed to charge and run battery electric and plug-in hybrid cars.
The carbon footprint of operating an electric vehicle varies based on the source of its electricity since different states have different energy resources. As a matter of fact, in the U.S., renewable energy consumption has just overtaken coal.
But the good news? Even when the electricity is generated in the dirtiest grid, electricity is often cheaper and cleaner when used to power EVs since electric vehicles are more efficient at converting electrical energy into mechanical energy to power cars and trucks.
According to research conducted by scientists at the Union of Concerned Scientists, running electric or hybrid vehicles on the grid in any state results in fewer greenhouse gas emissions than running cars fueled by petrol. And the advantages of electric cars grow as countries streamline their energy systems into more renewable sources.
#4. EVs: They are Soft On The Environment Until The Very End
Since the massive lithium-ion batteries in electric cars take a lot of energy and materials to manufacture, the production process for these vehicles will result in more greenhouse gas emissions than that of a typical petrol vehicle. For example, a mid-sized electric car with an 84-mile range produces 15% higher emissions during production when compared to an ICE vehicle.
But once the EVs hit the road the story takes a twist. After driving for a maximum of 18 months, electric vehicles offset their higher manufacturing emissions, and they outperform petrol or diesel vehicles until the end of their useful lifetimes.
According to studies by the Union of Concerned Scientists, the typical electric car on the road now emits the same amount of greenhouse gases as a car that gets 88 miles per gallon but, even with the sophisticated fuel-saving and pollution-control technology, the average new gasoline-powered car gets only 31 miles power gallon and a modern truck gets only 21 miles per gallon on an average.
#5. EVs: They Can Be Charged Anywhere
Though EVs get a lot of blame for having range issues, longer charging times and not having enough charging stations, we forget the convenience they give by being able to charge anywhere. Be it your house or a mall or any appropriate space for that matter. This makes fleets of trucks and buses that frequently return to a central depot or yard a natural fit for electric vehicles. Also with the advancements in battery swapping technology EVs are the correct choice.
New recharging options, such as expanding the number of public charging stations in malls, parking garages, and workplaces, will be necessary as more electric vehicles join the market and are utilised more extensively by individuals and organisations who cannot charge at home. Workplace charging is a crucial component of democratising access to electric vehicles.
#6. EVs: They Help Governing Bodies
As EVs will reduce the emission of gases from the transport industry to a great extent, the authorities can leverage the EVs to fulfil their emission control goals and reduce sound pollution in their cities. According to sources, California state is spending over $1 billion to construct the infrastructure required for electric vehicles, including cars, trucks, and buses.
Infrastructure expenditures of this type will become more and more crucial for companies, public transportation agencies, and individuals who wish to reduce their carbon footprint and impact on the environment
#7. EVs: They Find the Most Use In The Public Transportation
The backbone of any public transport network is buses. They offer reasonably priced travel to everybody. They are a crucial first step towards introducing large electric vehicles into the larger transportation industry since they are an essential part of everyday life in many cities.
In many countries, they have employed Electric buses in their busiest cities to reduce emissions as well as sound pollution. Also, as we say every time, using EVs in public transport systems can help the authorities dispel myths about EVs among their citizens and create a positive outlook among the public regarding EVs.
#8. EVs: The Go-To Solution For Last Mile Operations
Even though they only account for a small percentage of the total vehicles on our roads and highways, petrol and diesel trucks produce a significant quantity of air and climate pollution. These vehicles produce diesel “death zones” with more serious cardiac and respiratory issues in the most affected populations.
For example, though cars outnumber petrol and diesel trucks in California by a wide margin, petrol and diesel trucks account for about half of the state’s transportation-related air pollution.
There are already 70 various kinds of zero-emission trucks available on the market, and California in particular has emerged as a major hub for the development and production of large electric vehicles, such as buses and trucks.
The moment has come for big manufacturers to begin mass manufacturing electric trucks. Localities around California effectively campaigned for a robust law about electric trucks, which is the nation’s first protection of its type. The law requires truck manufacturers to sell a certain percentage of zero-emission vehicles beginning in 2024.
#9. EVs: How Authorities Can Leverage Them For The Common Good
The governing authorities around the world can use EVs as a tool for providing a better life to their citizens. One way of approach is to make EVs accessible to more people. Tax reductions and incentives can be provided by the authorities to attract more people towards EVs.
Also to promote the widespread use of electric vehicles, laws should be passed to facilitate a smooth transition from ICE vehicles to EVs.
#10. EVs: How You Can Help Though You Don’t Have One
Electric vehicles, including personnel cars, buses, and trucks, are changing the way we move people and products while creating a sustainable future.
- Push your local bodies: You can push your local bodies to electrification of public transport using electric trucks, and buses, and to commission charging stations in your city. You can write letters to the authorities and engage with your local political representatives for the cause.
- Purchase EVs: Buy and use an EV if you or your friends are in the market for one. Make sure to apply for the incentives and the task reductions your local authorities have set for EV buyers.
- Educate yourself & Your acquaintances: In your friend’s group discuss the fascinating facts you discovered about EVs. Urge your friends to research the amount of carbon emissions they may avoid by switching to electric vehicles and also the money they can save in the long run.
Electric vehicles help us in numerous ways. It’s time we show some love to our environment. We have tried to dispel some of the myths regarding EVs in this article. We encourage you to learn more about EVs and how they can bring a brighter and cleaner tomorrow.